The Rehnquist Court

1986 — 2005

Cases Decided by the

Rehnquist Court


William Rehnquist

William Brennan Jr.

1986 - 2005

1956 - 1990

Byron White

Thurgood Marshall

1962 - 1993

1967 - 1991

John Paul Stevens

Sandra Day O’Connor

1975 - 2010

1981 - 2006

Antonin Scalia

1986 - 2016

Anthony Kennedy

1988 - 2018

David Souter

Clarence Thomas

1990 - 2009

Since 1991

Lewis Powell

Harry Blackmun

1972 - 1987

1970 - 1994

Stephen Breyer

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

1994 - 2022

1993 - 2020

Timeline of the Rehnquist Court